Barbara Taylor Bradford, novelist, 1933-2024 | 芭芭拉•泰勒•布拉德福德,小说家,1933-2024 - FT中文网
Barbara Taylor Bradford, novelist, 1933-2024

The bestselling writer championed women defining themselves on their own terms | 这位畅销书作家倡导女性按照自己的方式定义自己。

Barbara Taylor Bradford was often described as a writer of ‘romances’, but the true themes of her work are human agency and self-determination
芭芭拉•泰勒•布拉德福德(Barbara Taylor Bradford)常被描述为“浪漫小说”作家,但她作品的真正主题是人类的能动性和自我决策
Barbara Taylor Bradford was a giant of postwar British literature. Her 40 novels sold more than 91mn copies and she transformed the landscape of fiction, writing books about women who — like their author — set themselves goals which they achieved and surpassed. Her first novel, A Woman of Substance, was published in 1979 when she was 46 years old: like Toni Morrison, Annie Proulx, Penelope Fitzgerald and many other eminent women writers, success came after 40.
芭芭拉•泰勒•布拉德福德是战后英国文学的巨匠。她的40部小说销量超过9100万册,她通过撰写关于女性的书籍改变了小说的格局,这些女性——如同作者本人——设定了目标并实现甚至超越了这些目标。她的第一部小说《一个真正的女人》(A Woman of Substance)于1979年出版,当时她46岁:如同托妮•莫里森(Toni Morrison)、安妮•普露(Annie Proulx)、佩内洛普•菲茨杰拉德(Penelope Fitzgerald)和许多其他杰出的女性作家一样,成功是在40岁之后到来的。
The first volume of what became the Emma Harte Saga was a rags-to-riches tale about a poor maidservant who rises to become the founder of one of the world’s most successful department store chains. At the apex of her career, Taylor Bradford’s heroine remembers advice she was once given: “We are each the authors of our own lives, Emma. We live in what we have created. There is no way to shift the blame and no one else to accept the accolades.” A Woman of Substance spent 43 weeks in The New York Times bestseller lists: its author accepted the accolades. Her final book, The Wonder of it All, was published just last year.
She was born in Upper Armley, Leeds, in 1933 to Winston and Freda Taylor. Her father, an engineer, had lost a leg in the first world war; her mother worked as a children’s nurse and nanny. Before Barbara was born, her parents lost a little boy, Vivian, to meningitis: “My mother put all her frustrated love into me,” she later said. She was at nursery school with another Yorkshire-born literary titan, Alan Bennett — but it was to Freda that she credited her love of literature and her determination. She could read before she was four and was “force-fed” Dickens. She was first published at the age of 10, when her mother sent a story she wrote to a children’s magazine. She was paid seven shillings and sixpence, and her career had begun. 
她于1933年出生在利兹的上阿姆利(Upper Armley),父母是温斯顿和弗雷达•泰勒(Freda Taylor)。她的父亲是一名工程师,在第一次世界大战中失去了一条腿;她的母亲是一名儿童护士和保姆。在芭芭拉出生之前,她的父母失去了一个小男孩,维维安,因脑膜炎去世:“我母亲把她所有未能实现的爱都倾注在我身上,”她后来这样说。她在幼儿园时与另一位出生于约克郡的文学巨匠艾伦•贝内特(Alan Bennett)是同学——但她将对文学的热爱和决心归功于弗雷达。她在四岁之前就能阅读,并被“强迫”阅读狄更斯。她在10岁时首次发表作品,当时她的母亲将她写的一个故事寄给了一本儿童杂志。她获得了七先令六便士的稿费,她的职业生涯就此开始。
Taylor Bradford at the age of three with her mother, Freda

Taylor Bradford at the age of three with her mother, Freda

Bradford Enterprises/PA Wire
Taylor Bradford pictured at the age of 17

Taylor Bradford pictured at the age of 17

Bradford Enterprises/PA Wire
泰勒布拉德福德pictured at the age of 17泰勒•布拉德福德17岁时的照片
Her parents wished for her to go to university: instead, at 16 she got a job as a typist at the Yorkshire Evening Post. She started sneaking stories on to the subeditors’ desks — soon enough she was a reporter, the only woman in the newsroom. She worked alongside Keith Waterhouse, author of Billy Liar and the screenplay for Whistle Down the Wind, who took her under his wing; she met another reporter there too, whom she described as being “lanky and dishevelled with acne”. Many years later she found herself at an event where a movie producer introduced her to the star of his new film, Lawrence of Arabia, “the most beautiful man I’d ever seen”. That dishevelled fellow reporter, Peter O’Toole, had been transformed. 
她的父母希望她上大学,但她16岁时却在《约克郡晚报》(Yorkshire Evening Post)找到了一份打字员的工作。她开始偷偷把稿件放在副编辑的桌上——不久后,她成为了一名记者,也是新闻编辑部唯一的女性。她与基思•沃特豪斯(Keith Waterhouse,《比利•说谎者》和《风中低语》剧本的作者)共事,基思对她非常照顾;在那里,她还遇到了一位记者,她形容他“瘦高、衣着邋遢,还有痤疮”。多年以后,她参加了一个活动,一位电影制片人向她介绍了他新电影《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》的主演,“我见过的最英俊的男人”。那位邋遢的记者同事彼得•奥图尔(Peter O’Toole)已然脱胎换骨,焕然一新。
As Taylor Bradford herself would be by her own determination. Having established herself as a journalist, she began to try her hand at fiction: it took her two years to write A Woman of Substance and its original draft ran to over 1,500 pages. It is notable that she is often described as a writer of “romances”: but this is far from accurate, a lazy dismissiveness of the true themes of her work, which are human agency and self-determination.
Although she wrote a great many standalone novels, she is perhaps best known for her familial sequences: The Ravenscar Trilogy (2006-2008); The Cavendon Series (2014-2017); The House of Falconer (2018-2023). They are tales in which families are placed squarely in the financial and power structures of their time; they engage with history and culture; and always, women work to define themselves on their own terms. It is perhaps no wonder that she greatly admired Margaret Thatcher, the grocer’s daughter from Grantham whose golden helmet of hair rather closely resembled her own — writing a tribute to her in The Telegraph when she died in 2013. 
虽然她写了许多独立的小说,但她可能最为人知的是她的家族系列作品:《拉文斯卡三部曲》;《猎鹰之家》(2018-2023年)。这些故事将家族置于其时代的金融和权力结构中;它们与历史和文化相互交织;而且,女性总是努力以自己的方式定义自己。难怪她非常钦佩玛格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher),这位来自格兰瑟姆的杂货商之女,其金色的发型与她自己的颇为相似——在2013年撒切尔去世时,她在《每日电讯报》上撰写了一篇悼文。
Jenny Seagrove stars in the TV adaptation of ‘A Woman of Substance’

Jenny Seagrove stars in the TV adaptation of ‘A Woman of Substance’

Taylor Bradford with her husband Robert in London, during a visit to launch her book ‘Angel’

Taylor Bradford with her husband Robert in London, during a visit to launch her book ‘Angel’

Bob Dear/PA Wire
Her own life was blessed with a great romance. She met her husband, Robert Bradford, in 1961 when the pair were set up on a blind date. A film and television producer, he was responsible for bringing much of her work to the screen, most notably A Woman of Substance in 1984. The television mini-series starred Liam Neeson and Jenny Seagrove and received an Emmy nomination. They married in London on Christmas Eve 1963 and shortly thereafter moved to New York. The couple made their home in a grand apartment overlooking the East River where she worked at her desk, on her IBM Lexmark typewriter, from the early hours. She became an American citizen — but was awarded an OBE for services to literature in 2007. Bob Bradford died of complications of a stroke in 2019; they had been married for just over 55 years. 
她的生活中有一段美好的爱情。1961年,她与丈夫罗伯特•布拉德福德(Robert Bradford)在一次相亲中相识。作为一名影视制片人,他负责将她的许多作品搬上银幕,其中最著名的是1984年的《一个真正的女人》。这部电视迷你剧由连姆•尼森(Liam Neeson)和珍妮•西格罗夫主演,并获得了艾美奖提名。他们于1963年圣诞节前夕在伦敦结婚,不久后搬到了纽约。这对夫妇在一间俯瞰东河的豪华公寓中安家,她常常在清晨于IBM Lexmark打字机前工作。她成为了美国公民,但在2007年因对文学的贡献被授予大英帝国勋章。鲍勃•布拉德福德(Bob Bradford)于2019年因中风并发症去世,他们的婚姻持续了55年多。
“Always present yourself as a woman who expects to succeed,” she wrote in her 2010 novel Playing the Game. She did just that, and proved her maxim throughout her long life. 











