Peter Higgs, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, 1929-2024 | 彼得•希格斯,诺贝尔物理学奖得主,1929-2024 - FT中文网
Peter Higgs, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, 1929-2024

His pioneering theoretical work helped us understand what made the universe possible | 他开创性的理论工作帮助我们理解是什么使宇宙成为可能。

The Nobel Prize-winning scientist Peter Higgs’s signature achievement was to solve a conundrum about what made the physical universe possible. Sixty years on, the pioneering theoretical work he and his peers did is driving ever-deeper investigations into the past and future of the cosmos.
诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize)得主科学家彼得•希格斯(Peter Higgs)的重大成就在于解决了一个关于物理宇宙存在的谜团。六十年过去了,他和他的同行们所做的开创性理论工作正在推动着对宇宙过去和未来的更深入探索。
Higgs’s ideas have had “a profound impact on our understanding of the universe, of matter and of mass”, said Alan Barr, professor of particle physics at Oxford university.
牛津大学粒子物理学教授艾伦•巴尔(Alan Barr)表示,希格斯的理论“对我们对宇宙、物质和质量的理解产生了深远影响”。
Higgs, who died on Monday aged 94, had an unusual scientific life of three acts. The startling insights of his mid-thirties were followed by a lower-key remainder of his career in academia, until his retirement in 1996.
Then, in 2012, came confirmation of the existence of the particle known as the Higgs boson and its associated force field — just as Higgs had predicted. Now Cern, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is considering a €16bn expansion project in part to investigate the properties of this cosmically consequential discovery.
“The concept of the Higgs field and the Higgs boson is unique in particle physics,” said Mark Thomson, professor of particle physics at Cambridge university and the UK candidate to be Cern’s next director-general. “It is unlike anything else we have seen.”
“希格斯场和希格斯玻色子的概念在粒子物理学中是独一无二的,”剑桥大学粒子物理学教授、欧洲核子研究组织下一任总干事的英国候选人马克•汤姆森(Mark Thomson)说。“这与我们所见过的任何其他东西都不同。”
Higgs was born in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1929, and schooled in the West Midlands, Bristol and London. In Bristol he attended Cotham Grammar School, where stories of a former pupil named Paul Dirac inspired him. Dirac was a founding theoretician of quantum mechanics who had jointly won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1933.
希格斯于1929年出生在纽卡斯尔,曾在西米德兰兹(West Midlands)、布里斯托尔和伦敦接受教育。在布里斯托尔,他就读于科瑟姆文法学校(Cotham Grammar School),那里一位名叫保罗•狄拉克(Paul Dirac)的前学生的故事给他带来了启发。狄拉克是量子力学的创始理论家,曾于1933年与他人共同获得诺贝尔奖。
An older man stands in a hall with people holding cameras and TV cameras

Higgs at Edinburgh university in 2013 after being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
A man in a suit stands in front of a photograph of the Large Hadron Collider at the Science Museum

Higgs stands in front of a photograph of the Large Hadron Collider at the Science Museum in London in 2013

Peter MacDiarmid/Getty Images
An older man stands in a hall with people holding cameras and TV cameras 2013年,希格斯在获得诺贝尔物理学奖后于爱丁堡大学
A man in a suit stands in front of a photograph of the Large Hadron Collider at the科学Museum 2013年,希格斯站在伦敦科学博物馆(Science Museum)前的大型强子对撞机照片前
“I was curious about what he had done because his name appeared frequently on the roll call of the achievements of former pupils,” Higgs later recalled. “And that led me to read about atomic physics and quantum theory before I was ever taught them.”
Higgs graduated with a physics PhD from King’s College London and spent most of his academic career at Edinburgh university. At Edinburgh, he turned his mind to a fundamental puzzle. He worked in the strange realm of the subatomic, where the classical Newtonian physics of falling apples breaks down.
希格斯从伦敦国王学院(King’s College London)获得物理学博士学位,并在爱丁堡大学度过了他的大部分学术生涯。在爱丁堡,他将思维投入到一个基本的难题中。他研究的是亚原子这个奇怪的领域,牛顿经典物理学中的苹果落地原理在这里被打破了。
Models of the universe of subatomic particles struggled to account for why some of them must have mass — that is, they are made of matter. This was a problem: if none of them had mass, they could not combine to create stars, planets or life forms that did.
The answer, Higgs concluded, lay in a force field that permeated the universe. He thought an as-yet unidentified particle carried a force from this field that interacted with other particles to give them mass: in a sense, it defined them.
Higgs later used the simplified analogy of a snowfield — the force field — being traversed by people — other particles — wearing skis, snowshoes and normal boots. They move at differing speeds through the area, governed by how they interact with the snow.
One of Higgs’s early papers was rejected by a scientific journal. This perhaps reflected what the researcher saw as a perception among some Edinburgh colleagues that his ideas were, as he said in an interview, “a bit eccentric, maybe cranky”.
He refined his concepts — crucially predicting the Higgs boson — while other theoreticians produced their own groundbreaking work at the same time. When he won the 2013 Nobel Prize for this work, he shared it with the Belgian theoretical physicist François Englert.
他在完善自己的理论概念的同时,关键性地预测了希格斯玻色子,而其他理论家也在同一时间进行了他们自己的开创性工作。当他因这项工作获得2013年诺贝尔奖时,他与比利时理论物理学家弗朗索瓦•恩格尔特(François Englert)共享了这一荣誉。
The physicist famously went out for lunch on the day of the Nobel announcement to avoid media attention. He was generally a retiring character who once said the exposure from the award ruined his life.
Higgs’s theoretical work after his breakthrough perhaps inevitably failed to touch the earlier heights, as the technicalities of his discipline developed without him. He later spoke about a period of depression when his marriage broke down in the 1970s. He talked, too, about friction in his relationship with his university over his union activities. He thought a main reason Edinburgh retained him was the possibility he would one day win a Nobel Prize.
That day duly came, at the age of 84 — confirming the importance of his work to our scientific exploration of the universe.
It showed that the cosmos was “filled with a weird essence called the Higgs field,” noted Frank Close, an emeritus professor of theoretical physics at Oxford university and author of a book about Higgs’s life and work.
牛津大学理论物理学荣誉退休教授弗兰克•克洛斯(Frank Close)指出,这表明宇宙“充满了一种被称为希格斯场的奇特本质”,他也是一本关于希格斯生活和工作的书的作者。
“We need it like fish need water,” Close said of the extraordinary concept that Higgs envisioned. “Without it, nothing we know would exist.”











